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I've always been a really big fan of the Christian Science Monitor. I visited their Boston headquarters two years ago, and loved it! What I love most about the paper is that it's very unbiased for being a religious-affiliated publication. Last week marked their first edition of their "weekly" print edition, so no longer are they a daily paper. My mom handed me the first issue of their new weekly paper, and immediately i knew i wanted to write for them someday. The design is incredible - the layout is so friendly and modern. The size of the paper is kind of cool - it's more like a magazine, and they describe it on the cover as "a weekly review of global news and ideas." I highly encourage you to check it out - especially my favorite spread "in pictures," which is basically a review of different things that happened around the globe, in the form of inspiring and captivating images.
i'm back after my annual spring break trip to sea ranch, which is located about three hours north of san francisco. i've gone every year since i was sixteen months old, and it never gets old to me! let me tell you, there is no cell service, terrible internet connection, no movie theater for miles, but you learn to manage. it's so good to get away from the things you thought you couldn't survive without. i love to go hiking, swimming, playing with my dog on the beach, etc. just sitting out on the porch and reading is like going to the spa - plus, you get a great view of the ocean. here are some shots i took with my mom's little canon digital :)
The internet connection here sucks. I'm quite sad about this. So I promise that Saturday afternoon, I'll upload some fabulous photos! Yesterday, I got to see some baby seals and their mothers... precious. I've been reading some great books - Cupcake Brown's memoir, Piece of Cake is so moving and inspirational, I really recommend it. I've also finished a David Sedaris book, as well as two by John Green, who is so so talented. I hope your week is going well!
Here's something to tide you over, my friend had this on her facebook status and trust me, it's worth the twelve minutes or so :)
You should all really go check out Dry Grass and Shadows by
Alela Diane. The lyrics kind of float by you, and blend in really well with '
the music. This'll be my anthem for the week's vacation to come!