Sunday, November 1, 2009

iphone discoveries

Upon the arrival of my beautiful new 13 inch Macbook Pro, I plugged in my iphone to update it and such, and iphoto popped up, asking if I'd like to download all my phone photos onto my computer. I had fun looking back on them and remembering the past year or so and all the little things I did or saw that I forgot about until now. Here's a peek at some of my favorite shots with my handy cellular device!
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A fun diner lunch with a friend led to this...
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Pretty cupcake plate at a gift store.
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Cool soap and bath bombers from the Lush!
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Sunset after dance class one night.
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A babysitting adventure for my neighbor led me to take this photo!
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My friend's beautiful house! I love the color <3
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Trying on baskets for my townie bike, which I have dubbed Baby Wasabi.
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Rainbow outside of the school parking lot.
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View from my friend's house (you can see the Golden Gate in the background!)


  1. wow...san francisco..!

  2. loooove the cupcakes - delish!

    and the pic of the rainbow it great - theyre so hard to photograph!

  3. beautiful pictures, those cupcakes look so good:D

    i also really love this song that you have on your blog:D
